Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Smoking has been a trend in the world these days. Although it has already been warned that smoking can kill you, cigarettes contain a lot of toxins. None of these warning really works on smokers. They just keep smoking all day. The problem with smoking is it doesn't only hurt the smokers, but also the people around him/her. Some say smoking can heal stress, loneliness and depression. Some say smoking is fun. Some say smoking is cool and many others. Even teenagers also smoke nowadays. The reason why they smoke also varies. May that be heartbroken, bad grades, being scolded too hard by parents, or just their friends. I can only say that no more than 90% smokers could stop smoking. So, it will be wiser not to start smoking rather than trying hard to stop when the substance has been addictive to oneself. There are some ways to prevent teenager from smoking. First, make sure the student filter his friends. This doesn't mean choosing, filter and choose is different. He may be friends with smokers, drug dealers, etc. But make sure not to hang out with them, or get close to them because there is a 99,99% chance that the student will be pulled to their territory. Second, make sure not to do something extreme during unstable age that can lead to depression. Yes, I'm saying about relationship. Teenagers are unstable about their feeling. And love is the greatest destroyer of teenagers' lives if they cannot manage the relationship. I'm not telling people that being in a relationship is bad, but first make a commitment that no matter what happens, smoking can kill you more than the relationship itself and should be avoided at all cost. Last but not least, pray to God. Study more about religion and practise what has been taught because ethics is what keeping us from going to the bad side. God is our protector and if we pray to Him, He will give us the best.

Writer: Smoking has been a trend these days.
Reader: Is smoking a bad thing?
Writer: Well, from the perspective of health, yes it's very bad. Smoking can kill you.
Reader: But why do people keep smoking?
Writer : They said that smoking can heal stress and depression, also some said that smoking is fun. Even teenagers also smoke now.
Reader : Why can the teenagers smoke?
Writer : Survey tells us that depression and stress are the main reason. It may be heartbreak, broken home, loneliness and many more.
Reader : Are there any chance to stop people from smoking?
Writer : Well, there are chances but nearly zero.
Reader : So how?
Writer : Prevention. Prevention is better than stoping after addiction has occured.
Reader : How to do that?
Writer : First, a person must filter his friends. Filtering doesn't mean choosing. But not going out with the smokers too often or be a good friend with smokers. Just be friend and don't get too deep inside their territory, it should be fine.
Reader : I see, that's good. But how about the internal factors like depression?
Writer : Well, that should be prevented too. Teenagers should not take a big step in their lives during unstable age. The most common problem is heartbreak. That's why before starting a relationship, it should be noted that it could end any time and the teenager should commit that whatever happens, there should be no smoking.
Reader : It might work, but are there any else?
Writer : Yes, the most important thing is pray to God. Because I believe that God will give us the best if we pray to Him.

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